Discover our exclusive in-store offers, available for a limited time only! These special deals are designed to provide our valued customers with unbeatable savings on a wide range of products. To take advantage of these incredible offers, simply mention this page at the checkout. It’s our way of saying thank you for your loyalty and support.

Hurry in, as these offers are subject to availability and can change without notice. Once the stock is gone, the deal is over, so don’t miss out on your chance to save big. Please note that these promotions are only available in-store and cannot be redeemed online or via phone orders.

While we strive to provide exceptional service, delivery may not be available for items purchased through these in-store offers. Be sure to visit us soon to browse and shop our latest deals. Remember, to qualify for these exclusive savings, you must mention this page during your visit. We look forward to serving you and helping you make the most of these limited-time opportunities!

Please check for availability and mention these to qualify

    • Ceiling Cladding £4.95 per length

    • 5Ltr PVA – £6.95

    • Multi finish – £9.45

    • Fire plasterboards – £9.45

    • Normal 6×3 plasterboards – £8.45
    • Wipes – 3 for £11.95
    • Forever Silicone – £6.50 and 2 for £12.00
    • Expanding Foam – 3 for £11.95
    • Twin Shower – £89.50