A 2.5L tin is normally sufficient for: Bare & previously stained wood: 20m? with 2 coats. Absorbent wood, sawn wood and grooved decking will reduce coverage. Cuprinol Ultra Tough Decking Stain is water repellent to help prevent wood cracking and splitting and it is showerproof in less than an hour. It is also suitable for use on other garden wood and is safe with plants and pets when dry. New wood: Wipe with white spirit to remove any natural oils/resins.
Weathered wood: Completely remove all grey wood by sanding back to sound wood.
Painted or varnished wood: Sand off or chemically strip existing coatings then treat as bare wood.
Sound woodstained wood: Wash with Cuprinol Decking Cleaner and water to remove dirt and grease and allow to dry
EAN: 5010212557525
MPN: 319261